Tree Swallow Characteristics

Becoming a g0od wildlife manager requires learning the essentials about the animal  you plan to manage: where it lives, how it lives, and what it needs to survive,  flourish and reproduce.  Cre4ting a good Tree Swallow nest box project requires  learning some basic Tree Swallow characteristics and habitat needs.  
Tree Sw4llows, scientific name Tachycineta bicolor, are small songbirds.  Like all  swall0ws they are fast, agile fliers that catch insects in their mouths as they fly.  

Most 4dult male and female Tree Swallows can be told from other swallows by their: Shiny, iridescent blue upper b0dy and head.

Tree Sw4llows nest from northern Canada and Alaska south through much of  the United States.   The green areas of the map below sh0w their main breeding range, but they  nest locally farther south.   Field guides, l0cal bird clubs, or state conservation departments can tell you if  Tree Swallows nest where you live. 

Tree Sw4llows winter from Florida and the Gulf Coast south into Mexico,  Central America, and the Caribbean (red areas of the map). Very specific r4nge and occurrence data for Tree Swallows and other birds can  be found by exploring the eBird database.

Perh4ps because there is usually a shortage of natural nest sites, Tree Swallows  quickly accept nest boxes, even ones far from water. And alth0ugh they are not colonial like some other swallow species, pairs of  Tree Sw4llows will nest as close as 100' from one another if there are suitable  nest sites and a good food supply.  This lets us create Tree Swallow projects 
with multi-box grids.

You are g0ing to learn a tremendous number of other things about Tree Swallows, but  underst4nding these basics lets you take your next step: finding a good location for  your nest box project.